Alternative Energy Vehicle show

Know someone who is driving an electric car? Or using a tractor powered by bio-fuels?

Sustainable Cortland is interested in putting on an Alternative Energy Vehicle show during Earth Week in April. We are interested in finding and displaying different types of vehicles powered by alternative fuels. So if you know of someone locally who might be able to provide a car, truck, bus, tractor – any type of vehicle – please let me know and I’ll pass the information along to the organizer.

My email is


One response to this post.

  1. It’s no secret that the fossil fuels we use to power our homes, offices, and vehicles are limited resources. Scientists have spent decades searching for practical alternative energy solutions that would provide renewable sources of energy. Solar and wind power have been available for quite some time, but people and businesses have been slow to accept the technologies on a wide-scale basis for several reasons. Now that everyone is worried about global warming and the pollutants that are caused by the fossil fuels we use, these alternative energy ideas are becoming more and more popular.


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