Biking vs. Not Biking

Why does it have to be all or nothing?

Several weeks ago Maureen Green wrote a guest column in The Post-Standard about biking in Syracuse. She reminisced about her days growing up when everyone got around on bikes and is happy to see a resurgence of bike riding. She wants to see more bike lanes. She understands the dangers of bicycling, even sometimes riding her bike on sidewalks. (What about the danger to pedestrians?) But that’s another matter.

I like to read the comments at the end of articles and what struck me was the concentration of comments about the weather here making it difficult to ride a bicycle. There were some comments though from others who say it is quite possible to ride a bicycle throughout the winter.

But again, why does it have to be all or nothing? People like to find excuses for not doing something. So of course we can’t bicycle because 5 months out of the year the weather might be challenging?

What about days like today?

Walk when you can, bike when you can. The more often you do it, the easier it gets. And then don’t feel bad when the weather is not cooperating or you have errands to run and you have to get back into your car.

We need to start somewhere. Why not today?


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